Real-time Animation with Motion Capture
By Jannine Hanczarek / June 2, 2020
Tech used in movies and video games could hold big possibilities for scene visualization.
Tech used in movies and video games could hold big possibilities for scene visualization.
A SketchUp model helps illustrate design options and simulate traffic patterns.
We try out a new rendering tool powered by Epic Games' Unreal Engine
The future of the Burnside Bridge is being written today as part of a long range planning project to retrofit or replace the historic span in order to have a river crossing in downtown Portland capable of withstanding a major earthquake.
Was a fiery helicopter crash the result of pilot error or a mechanical failure?
Animated sequence showing proposed street markings to accompany streetcar track installation.
Animation and a series of stills illustrating 2.5 miles of Seattle’s proposed streetcar line and corresponding cycle track and street improvements.
An employee alleges age discrimination after being terminated for making a careless warehouse error.
A series of training videos for Portland Streetcar helps streamline their driver recertification process.
Joshua visits the Portland Art Museum to see an exhibit of work by LAIKA, a Portland-based animation studio.